The much-anticipated single “Baarish,” released by Music Label Audio Pirates, has hit the airwaves, captivating audiences with its touching tale of love and loss. Directed...
The recent Business Immersion® program, led by renowned global leadership coach, Dr. Abdussalam Omar, brought together 18 directors from 11 distinguished brands to shape their...
Ubit Coin stands as a trailblazer in the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi), reshaping the landscape of financial transactions with its innovative approach. Featuring a...
In the ever-evolving world of fashion, a new star has emerged, promising to redefine elegance and style. Nayaab by Jannat, the brainchild of the talented...
Omkar Prasad Baidya, born in 1984 in Agartala, Tripura, India, is a distinguished doctor, philosopher, and author. He has significantly impacted moral philosophy, universal ethics,...
“Do You Want Your School Child to Do an Internship? Discover INVENT’s Virtual Opportunities!” Internships have long been a crucial part of career preparation, but...
The ever changing world of new age advancement is where WizzyWeb Private Limited is established as point of call for advancement and feat. WizzyWeb was...